Sunday 1 April 2012

Emotional, hormonal, neurotic messiness.

It's been a busy month. It's been a busy day, everything's generally just a bit crazy and I'm just hoping it's all going to calm down soon enough. Well that's evidently just wishful thinking. I think in the last year, I've had a week that's been relatively calm, but that's just how it goes. So where do I start? It's going to be interesting getting this all down. Erm... well... let's start with Scotland. I've been dying to write about Scotland.

Well a few weeks ago, I was contacted by the Glasgow School of Art with regards to my application, and they wanted to interview me to potentially study there, and, as is obvious, I was thrilled. So, up to Scotland I go, and within three minutes of crossing over into Scotland, I'm on my phone, texting a friend about how I've already fallen in love with it again. I'd forgotten how beautiful some parts of Scotland are. I should visit my sister more often.

My interview at the art school was really fun, and it went really well, I fell in love with the university, and the department and the studios. It just all just seemed like the perfect place to study design. So I got on the train home wondering if this had all been worth it. I'd had an unsuccessful application notification from a different university the night before my interview, so I'd been a wreck on my way over to Glasgow. But four days later, I get another email telling me that they wanted to give me an offer to study at the GSA. Needless to say that GSA has always been and now is officially my first choice.

So that's where this starts. I want to move to Scotland for university. There's a part of my head that asks whether I'm good enough. Am I going to meet the conditions? I've come to realise how much more faith my friends have in me than I do in myself. This is where the emotional wreck comes in.

It's hit me that all of my friends and I will be leaving each other's company, and it's hard to think that I wont see them every day, that I won't get to wonder what on earth they're on about when they're close, because, well they won't be close. It's an odd thing to think about, but I was feeling nostalgic, and, even though I'm ready to leave my school, I'm not sure I'm ready to leave my friends. But we'll try.

We try because we have to. Change is good, and we have to learn to deal with it. Change is how we grow, whether it's finding out how much you want to go to a certain school, or a diagnosis, it happens and there's nothing we can do, or should do to stop it. Change is change, and yet it's the one thing that doesn't change.