Friday 18 May 2012

It's not calming down...

I feel like I need to write again - I haven't written anything here in a while, and I should probably explain the sudden dropping of the pseudonym. I remember saying in my last post that I hoped that everything would calm down after a little while, but it's getting busier and busier, I cannot wait for the summer!

So first thing's first. I have abandoned my pseudonym, in case you haven't guessed already. I started this blog to be able to open up about myself more than I used to. I was once accused of being angry and closed, and I'm starting to hope that that's something that people will never think about me. I have poured my heart and soul into some of these posts, some of them I don't even remember writing and I'm sure there's more to come.

I think I've definitely become a more open person by writing down the things that have affected me in some way, writing about how I'm feeling, writing about my diagnosis, about how I feel about myself of all things. This page isn't something I'll actively share with a lot of people that I know personally. Where I'd happily share it on my Twitter page, I never would on my Facebook page. I know a couple of my friends do read a post every now and again, but I don't mind. It's weird... I still feel more comfortable talking to an audience of strangers. The point is, I aim this blog at strangers, but if my friends stumble upon it, they'll know that it's me, and that doesn't bother me as much any more. Even though I wouldn't actively share it with them.

Other than this step forwards, I'm leaving school in a week and this is SCARY. I'm ready to leave, I'm just not ready for the exams that I'm leaving to do. Everything is hectic right now with work and revision. It's all just maddeningly tiring, but I'll power through with coffee in hand and my sleep-induced delirium keeping me going.

I suppose that's it really. Nice quick update on my life. Interesting, eh?