Thursday 20 December 2012


Here we go, attempt number three  of getting a post on here. I'm sat, in my room in Glasgow, in a place that's rarely quiet (now is one of those rare occasions) wondering why my room is always the coldest room in the flat, and why goodness me why, why am I so tired?

And yet, here I am, sat, at 02:01, writing things on a blog that I seem to neglect, when I have damp hair and a lecture later in the morning. I really should be going to sleep, but who on earth makes wise decisions at university? Apparently, sometimes, not me. Right now, although admittedly slightly stressed, I'm ultimately happy in my new surroundings, even if it means I am in a big, scary and often dangerous city. I like it here. It's arty and a bit mad. I suppose like me, but bigger.

__A few weeks later__

And so here we are again. This time, I'm a little further south and a little further east, and I'm back home for Christmas. Still tired. Still cold. But it's making me realise that, as much as this is home, my freezing, slightly grim room in Glasgow is also home. Home is a strange concept. I've never really thought of it more than a place where you live, but now, living in two very different places, it's hard to figure out which place I would consider home more. Whilst this house is my parents' house, and I've lived here for years, there's a kind of sense of ownership in living in what is, essentially, my own space, rented or not.

Being away from here, away from my family has made me appreciate my freedom and my space a bit more. Even so, it's still worth the four hour, two train journey to get back here to see my parents and my sixth-form friends. So I'm a bit torn. When I'm in Glasgow, at the end of term, I'm always wanting to go "home", here. But at the same time, now that I'm here, I want to go home to Glasgow. I'm blessed, I have two homes to go to, it's a good position to be in, but at the same time, I'm really quite confused as to what home really means to me. Is it the people? Is it the place? I suppose I'll figure that out eventually.

So now I'm sat here, at much less exciting times of the day, wondering how other people feel about living in two places, wondering if they're quite as confused as I am...