Tuesday 26 June 2012

You're interesting!

I think I'm quite a people person. I like people. I think people are interesting. You're a person. You're interesting, yay! There's always something, however subconscious it may be that relates to a human action, some emotional response, something on some weird level that tells them they should, or shouldn't do something because of the reaction of something else. People listen to that little voice way too much, or really not enough and it holds them back or pushes them towards something essentially detrimental. There are people who care too much, too little, balanced people, eccentric people. People are interesting, right?

One thing that I find really interesting, that I've noticed especially with my experiences and with the people around me is that people often want to tell you things, but they don't. You know they need someone to know, but something's holding them back. It's hard to explain, but, for example, I have a friend who was going through some crap and wanted to tell me, but he didn't until a while later because he didn't "want to shit on my day". Of course, I would never have minded, but it's things like this that make me wonder. I think that sometimes people won't tell because everything seems much more real when you say it aloud. It's hard to face things sometimes, no matter how big.

I have a theory that sometimes people use what you've been through to not tell you something so that they don't have to face what they're going through so completely, does that make sense? I mean, generally, some people are more open than others, and that's fine, that's good, but sometimes you can just tell that something is up. I don't know about you, but I don't like seeing people looking unhappy.

People deal with things in different ways, and I think that diversity, that kind of... uniqueness as it were, is really quite fascinating. Some people avoid facing things, and some people never shut up, and there are those people that suffer in silence. I think that's probably why I'm such an extrovert. The way people behave is really really cool, each person is different to the next and the more people you speak to the more you notice it.

I try and help people as much as I possibly can, but you can't help them unless they want you to. Sometimes it's hard to remember that, but it's just a given thing. You can scream, shout, plead all you like, but unless they're ready to face a problem, they won't. I know that pretty first hand. I'm not sure if I'm actually saying what I'm trying to say, so here is probably a good place to stop... yeah...


Thursday 21 June 2012

A strange relationship with sleep...

I have a strange relationship with sleep, which you can probably tell from the rather revealing title of this post. People often assume that when I say that, I mean I'm vaguely nocturnal, that I don't sleep until rather late in the night, which, since I'm writing this at past midnight, is true in its own way. But that's not really what I mean. People that don't have such a weird relationship with sleep, sleep the right amount - they go to bed late, then they'll get up late, but I... well... don't.

My sleep patterns can be erratic. I'm sat here, in the dark,typing away at an invisible audience, when a lot of people are asleep, like they ought to be, because sleep is incredibly important. If you don't get enough sleep, you'll probably slowly go insane and... well die. So yes. Sleep is important.

I think I have something of an over-active, morning happy body-clock. My internal alarm is crazy. I can't sleep past 10:00am - even if I've been up until stupid hours. I don't usually sleep past nine if I can help it. If I have a nap, I can't sleep until much later than usual. I'm not really sure when this started. I mean, I've always been something of a reluctant morning person, simply because my body gives me no other choice, but even when I try, I just can't sleep at normal hours.

Usually, I get 6 hours of sleep. You should have at least 8. I'm not an insomniac, it's not that severe, I just have a bit too much energy - possibly delirious energy - to be able to lie still and just sleep. Even when I do sleep, I don't sleep very well, I'm constantly moving and waking up. Even the littlest sounds. It's very annoying really.

I suppose when it comes to it, not sleeping, or, rather, sleeping a little less than other people can come in handy in terms of time. I've got this time to do a bit of blogging, or a bit of writing, or a bit of catching up with some friends who, like me don't sleep until fairly late. But still, I imagine it's nice to be able to sleep properly. I don't often feel well-rested, but I do often feel energetic. It's a strange, and slightly surreal combination.

But again, I suppose it must have come from somewhere, and presumably, it's something that which I could work through, I just need to figure it out. There are some things that are harder than others though, and I think the way we act, even if it's to do with tiredness or sleep, can tell a lot about us. I like to think of myself as a happy person, a cheery, sociable person and I am pretty sure that that's the case, but it gets hard sometimes. Sleep is really interesting. The way the human works, the way we act with no sleep is interesting. People are interesting.

I suppose what I'm trying, in a rather long-winded way to get at, is that things about us are revealing in ways that we don't really comprehend. It's the little things that speak the loudest, and I think that's pretty cool...