Saturday 28 July 2012

The Memory Eater Anthology


So I'm going to review it in my own little way. I've been excited to get my hands on a copy of The Memory Eater Anthology for MONTHS now, partly because I was really excited to read it, and partly because I actually helped illustrate it. I'm not usually a fan of anthologies, but I say this completely genuinely, this anthology is awesome, and I implore you to go get a copy.

I didn't write any of the book, so I can be un-biased when it comes to the writing. There are what? 27 stories? All of them were completely unique and they just kept getting better. The anthology is based on the idea of a piece of equipment called the memory eater, which can find and destroy any specific memory. An imaginative idea, which honestly, I first thought would be a bit... meh.

But once you actually read the book, the narrative voices are all so individual but they're all the same in one thing. They are utterly captivating. You can see the amount of work that's gone into writing each story and why they were chosen to be in the anthology. The originality of the plots was, as well, completely absorbing and I just loved every page.

As well as this, the illustrations were actually pretty amazing. As an artist, I could see how imaginative a lot of them were, and I could stare at them for hours. There isn't really much for me to say other than, seriously go get a copy - it's available from Amazon so it's really easy to get hold of.


(I feel like I should point out that, as a contributor, I don't get any money from the project, so I'm not giving it a positive review for that. I did this purely on a voluntary basis, as, I am aware, did the other illustrators.)